How Much Does it Cost to Develop a WhatsApp Stories Suggestion app?


In this blog, we are going to discuss the WhatsApp Stories Suggestion app. Whatsapp is one of the most popular as well as most usable social media platforms in this present time. Due to the advancement of technology through social media now we can easily connect with anyone from any corner of the earth.

The evolution of technology can be called a boon to us. Online platforms like mobile app or websites and the internet are very advantageous for society. People can now easily access all kinds of services through these online platforms.

One of the most popular social media is Whatsapp. Whatsapp is a social media platform by which we can connect with the people from any corner of the earth, It can easily eliminate the distance barrier. Users can easily chat, Audio call or video call to their family and friends, Able to share images and videos with a contact list and many more services are provided by Whatsapps.

One more functionality added to Whatsapp is adding Stories which can be visible for 24 hours to their contact list. And as a result, users are accepting as well as accessing these Stories services to keep entertainments.

Because of the integration of Story features, Some whats app users like to put something in their stories like motivational video or images, Quotes, Video of songs, Comic images or videos and many more things. It’s very difficult to find these stories suggestions daily on google or any other browsers.

Why not make a Whatsapp Stories suggestion app? Through this Whatsapp stories suggestion app users can easily check thousands or millions of images and videos of different-different categories which suggest the best story based on their interest you put on their Whatsapp Story.

WhatsApp Stories Suggestion app Development

Would you like to launch a Whatsapp Stories Suggestion App?

If Yes, then here in this article we are going discuss more aspects of launching a Whatsapp Stories app in the market like Why it is beneficial to launch a Whatsapp Stories Suggestion app, How to monetise this Whatsapp Stories Suggestion app, What are the key features of  Whatsapp Stories suggestion app and how much does it cost to develop a Whatsapp Stories Suggestion app.

Why is it beneficial to launch a Whatsapp Stories Suggestion app?

In today’s time due to advancement of accessibility of online platforms, the various business owners are now shifting their business to an Online platform like launching mobile apps. Some Entrepreneurs are directly launching online platforms because as per the observation around more than half of the population are liking the online platforms which definitely helps the business owner to attract more customers to their services and maximize their profits.

If you are thinking of launching any online platforms for making money then you can launch your own Whatsapp stories suggestion app in the market. Very few or we can say no solution is available which can suggest user the Stories to put daily.

In this app, solution users can easily create their profile and manage their account. They allow this app to access Whatsapp accounts. Whenever required the user can easily check the latest post that he/she can put at their Whatsapp Stories. This app also consists of various stories suggestions based on the user interest which they can directly load to their Whatsapp stories.

Launching an online platform like Whatsapp Stories Suggestion app also helps you in generating through the app in various ways. Online platforms like mobile apps and websites can be easily monetizable for earning money.

You can also monetise this Whatsapp Stories Suggestion app to generate profit from the platforms. Let me list down, How to monetise this Whatsapp Stories Suggestion app?

  • Collaborating with the third party and allow them to list down their product or services ads in your platform.
  • Offer Some premium services to the users.
  • Membership packages for the users for accessing some advanced features.

What are the key features of a WhatsApp Stories Suggestion app?

Whatsapp Stories Suggestion app mainly consists of the main panel. Along with the profits of launching this WhatsApp stories suggestion app you need to understand the features of this app solution.

Let’s discuss each features panel in more details:

User Panel

  • User login/sign in
  • Users can create their account.
  • Search bar and filter.
  • Access the categories and subcategories of stories.
  • Can upload Whatsapp Stories.
  • Make a favourite list.
  • Access all images and videos.
  • Share suggestions with their contact list.
  • Provide Feedback and ratings.

Admin Panel

  • Admin Login panel.
  • Dashboard management.
  • User profile management.
  • Stories images and videos management.
  • Ads and premium feature management.
  • Membership members management.
  • Revenue management,
  • Push notification.
  • Manage feedback and ratings.

Whatsapp Stories Suggestion app

How much does it cost to develop a Whatsapp Stories Suggestion app?

The cost of developing a Whatsapp Stories Suggestion app mainly depends on some of the basic factors. Let’s know on which factors the cost of developing a Whatsapp Stories Suggestion app is highly dependent:

  • Basic features of the app.
  • The advanced functionality of the app.
  • UI/UX designing of the app.
  • Size of the app.
  • Mobile developers experience.
  • App technology platform (Android, IOS or both)

Here I am listing the approximate cost as well as a timeline of developing a Whatsapp Stories Suggestion app:


  • App Design:- 9 Working Days
  • Android App Development:- 25 Working Days
  • iOS App Development:- 25 Working Days
  • Web Backend & Apis:- 30 Working Days
  • Testing, Bug fixing, and Deployment:- 7 Working Days


  • The approximate cost of developing a WhatsApp Stories Suggestions app is 5000-8000 USD.

We are at The App Ideas, which is a leading software development company. We have worked on various IT services which provide the unique solution for Website development, game app development, E-commerce platforms development and mobile app development. We are highly experienced in providing the best solution for a Whatsapp Stories Suggestion app at best rates.

Would you like to launch a Whatsapp Stories Suggestion app?

If Yes, then feel free to reach us.


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