On-Demand Consultation App


Consultation is one of the most popular words which you have heard when you are on the edge of deciding something or are very confused between options or taking an important decision in your life. In earlier days, consultation I generally knew as taking advice from an expert.

Let’s know more about,

Who is a consultant and what is consultation?

A consultant is usually an expert or an experienced professional in a specific field and who provides expert advice in the specific area like business, education, law, regulatory compliance, human resources, finance, health care, marketing, public relation, science, engineering, security and more specialized fields.

Consultation or Consulting generally refers to “Engaged in the business of giving expert advice to people working in a specific field." If you are experienced and expert in any specific field then you can easily start your career as a consultant.

Generally, somebody asks for a consultant or advice when their current state is not how they want it to be or they want advice to change something, achieve something, attain something or become something.

Facts and figure of consultation in the market:

  • One of the most popular consulting industries, PricewaterhouseCoopers generated a revenue of  $15.9 billion in 2016.
  • Nearly 20 % of independent consultants and contractors earn an amount of six figures and more.
  • The consulting industry is responsible for over 2 million jobs in the United States.
  • Annualized growth in this management sector or industry has been at 3.6% for the last 5 years.

But as we know, nowadays we people are more inclined towards the mobile app services for fulfilling their requirements. And in this scenario, it is really very difficult to find a specific area expert for taking advice or consultants through an offline service.

So as a Startup, an On-demand consultation Mobile app can be launched in the market for helping people to directly connect with the best and expert consultants through an app platform.

Is it beneficial to launch an On-demand consultation app in the market?

If you are thinking of initiating an online startup in the market then you can launch an on-demand consultation app in the market. 

Read Our Full Article At: On-Demand Consultation App


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